Our blank t-shirts are made by factories that are ethically certified to international standards ensuring cotton from the field to the final cotton product is ethically manufactured and traceable.
All our t-shirt and homewares factories have been audited to amfori BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative) standard and use the SMETA tool (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit).
We also ensure our factories use 100% organic cotton verified to the GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) standard. Our homewares manufacturers also participate in the BCI (Better Cotton Initiative).
Our GOTS organic licensed factories have supplied us with their amfori BSCI and Sedex certificates of approval combined with detailed audit reports for open transparency.
Using reports from amfori and Sedex provides us with a clear and consistent reporting data that allows us to monitor our factories progress in labour management improvements associated with human rights work practices and social responsibilities.
By using amfori BSCI and Sedex audited factories we can ensure we are having a positive impact on our manufactures (and their suppliers) in Bangladesh and India.
The benefits contribute to:
- Improving the social performance of our manufactures’ supply chain
- setting clear and consistent expectations and deliverables for ethical production
- Offers practical auditing tools to help manage risk and monitor cotton manufacturing supply chains
- Reducing costs and increase efficiency
- Having a clear and consistent approach that highlights best practices
- Improving the resilience to market changes
- Improving the manufacturer’s reputation by meeting the expectations of customers and stakeholders
amfori BSCI audits assess a producer against the values and principles of the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct, which are translated into 13 interconnected Performance Areas (PAs):
- Social management system and cascade effect
- Workers involvement and protection
- The rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining
- No discrimination
- Fair remuneration
- Decent working hours
- Occupational health and safety (OHS)
- No child labor
- Special protection for young workers
- No precarious employment
- No bonded labor
- Protection of the environment
- Ethical business behaviour
Organic cotton
We believe in only using quality cotton in all our products. As a result, we ensure our products have GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) licensed organic cotton that is grown without toxic chemicals, using growing systems that replenish and maintain soil fertility while using less water.